Accomplish More Thank Twice As Much
Greetings in the Strong Name of Jesus!!
Time flies and flies by so fast I forgot that yesterday was Wednesday!! So Happy Thursday!!
Twice as much.
Ecclesiastes 4:9-10 - “Two can accomplish more than twice as much as one, for the results can be much better. If one falls, the other pulls him up; but if a man falls when he is alone, he's in trouble.” TLB
I remember a television show called “The Lone Ranger”, many of you remember it, too. The title of the show was really not true. Yes, he was the Lone Ranger, but he was never able to fully pull of his heroic acts without the aid of one or the other of two of his sidekicks - Silver, his horse or Tonto, his trusted friend. It didn’t matter if he was tied up, locked up or in a shootout, one of these two was always there to help him out.
How true that is in our own lives. The Word says, “Two can accomplish more than twice as much as one....” I have found this be true throughout my life. It is true in simple tasks around the house to complex tasks in the work field. My most vivid experience of this was when I worked on the farm. I would work for various farmers around town during the hay season. I almost always worked on the wagon taking the bales off the bailer and stacking them on the wagon. I remember one time when the guy I was working with got injured and had to leave the field to go to the doctor. I was left alone to stack the hay. It wasn’t very difficult until it got to the point of stacking the hay on the top rows. I would have to throw the bales up to the top then crawl to the top and stack them. Then I would crawl back down to do it again. This slowed us down so much we hardly got the job down before dark when we would have otherwise been done in a few hours. Not only that, when I got home that night, I was exhausted.
The same is true in our spiritual lives. When two walk and work together to grow spiritually, the growth is greater and the victories are bigger. But when we walk alone, we often fall to defeat. The last part of today’s scripture is a very accurate picture - “If one falls, the other pulls him up; but if a man falls when he is alone, he's in trouble.” So often I see Christians get wounded because of another Christian or get upset because something happened at church that hurt them. The first thing you know - they quit coming to church, they quit in their relationships with others and soon they are living in sin, defeated and discouraged. Why? Because they tried to be the Lone Ranger without Silver or Tonto. They waved off the help of good friends and good advice to seek out their own solutions to issues. They even write off God and the church. We cannot make it through this life without relationships - good, solid relationships. We need each other, not just for companionship, we need each other for winning battles and encouragement.
Want to accomplish more than twice as much? Want to be more than a conqueror? Stay connected with God, the church and good Christian friends. Together we can accomplish the impossible!
You are loved and prayed for,
Pastor Roger